Jeffcoate's Principles of Gynaecology (Ninth Edition)

Narendra Malhotra, Jaideep Malhotra, Richa Saxena, Neharika Malhotra Bora

The book Jeffcoate’s Principles of Gynaecology is considered to be the Bible for those who want to achieve excellence in the field of Gynaecology. By maintaining the style set by Sir Norman Jeffcoate, an effort has been taken into revising and updating the contents of the book for the Ninth edition with addition of new topics like Genetics in Gynaecology, Female Genital Mutilation, Adenomyosis, Assisted Reproductive Technology, Contraception, and Single Incision Laparoendoscopic Surgery, etc.

This latest edition will be a comprehensive textbook for postgraduate students, residents, surgeons, practitioners and consultants in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Table of Contents

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Chapter 1: A Clinical Approach to Gynaecology
Chapter 2: Anatomy
Chapter 3: Ovarian Functions
Chapter 4: Menstruation and Other Cyclical Phenomena
Chapter 5: Clinical Aspects of Menstruation and Ovulation
Chapter 6: Puberty and Adolescent Gynaecology
Chapter 7: Conception
Chapter 8: Spontaneous Abortions (Including Recurrent Loss)
Chapter 9: Ectopic Pregnancy and Pregnancy of Unknown Location
Chapter 10: Gestational Trophoblastic Disease
Chapter 11: Breast Function and its Disorders
Chapter 12: Development of the Urogenital System
Chapter 13: Malformations and Maldevelopments of the Genital Tract
Chapter 14: Disorders of Sexual Development, Asexuality and Intersexuality
Chapter 15: Injuries
Chapter 16: Female Genital Mutilation
Chapter 17: Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Chapter 18: Other Displacements of the Uterus
Chapter 19: Torsion of Pelvic Organs
Chapter 20: Infections Including Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Chapter 21: Infections as they Affect Individual Organs
Chapter 22: Genital Tuberculosis
Chapter 23: Endometriosis and Chronic Pelvic Pain
Chapter 24: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Chapter 25: Hirsutism
Chapter 26: Epithelial Abnormalities of the Genital Tract
Chapter 27: Genital Cancers
Chapter 28: Tumours of the Vulva
Chapter 29: Tumours of the Vagina
Chapter 30: Tumours of the Cervix Uteri
Chapter 31: Tumours of the Corpus Uteri
Chapter 32: Adenomyosis
Chapter 33: Tumours of the Fallopian Tubes
Chapter 34: Tumours of the Pelvic Ligaments
Chapter 35: Tumours of the Ovary
Chapter 36: Chemotherapy in Gynaecological Malignancies
Chapter 37: Radiotherapy in Gynaecological Malignancies
Chapter 38: Immunotherapy in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Chapter 39: Amenorrhoea, Hypomenorrhoea, and Oligomenorrhoea
Chapter 40: Abnormal and Excessive Uterine Bleeding
Chapter 41: Dysmenorrhoea
Chapter 42: Premenstrual Syndrome and Other Menstrual Phenomena
Chapter 43: Hormone Therapy in Gynaecology
Chapter 44: Vaginal Discharge
Chapter 45: Pruritus Vulvae and Vulvodynia
Chapter 46: Problems of Sex and Marriage
Chapter 47: Male and Female Infertility Overview
Chapter 48: Assisted Reproductive Technology
Chapter 49: Instruments in Gynaecological Procedures
Chapter 50: Ultrasonography in Gynaecology
Chapter 51: Ultrasound in Infertility
Chapter 52: Ultrasound in Menopause
Chapter 53: Robotics Surgery
Chapter 54: Endoscopic Surgery in Gynaecology
Chapter 55: Contraception
Chapter 56: Sterilisation and Termination of Pregnancy
Chapter 57: Urinary Incontinence
Chapter 58: Urinary Tract Infection
Chapter 59: Menopause
Chapter 60: Hysterectomy and its Aftermath
Chapter 61: Conditions of the Lower Intestinal Tract
Chapter 62: Preoperative and Postoperative Management: Postoperative
Chapter 63: Nutrition and Exercise in Women
Chapter 64: Applications of Laser in Gynaecology
Chapter 65: Genetics in Gynaecology