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Textbook of Basic and Advanced Electrocardiography
Textbook of Basic and Advanced Electrocardiography
Editors: Baren Chakraborty
‘Simplicity is complexity resolved’ goes the motto of this textbook. Here, the presentation is simple and comprehensive. The description of the subjects have been made in lucid and unambiguous language. This book will deliver the latest and most essential aspects of electrocardiogram (ECG) to students, both undergraduate and postgraduate, in a readable and compelling manner.
Each and every chapter of this book has been divided into two different sections: ‘Text’ and ‘Summary’. ‘Text’ part is meant for in-depth learning and the ‘Summary’ part includes only the key points for easy and quick revision and an examinee will be able to revise and re-read the essence of the whole book even before the night prior to examination.
This book includes over 600 ECGs along with schematic drawings, colored sketches, flowcharts and boxes. Numerous annotations have been made inside the original ECGs for better understanding and convenience of the beginner undergraduate students.
All information is up-to-date and evidence based. The book is intended to fill the gap of information between the contemporary ECG textbooks and new ideas & ECG signs published in different peer-reviewed journals in recent past. So, this book delivers an all encompassing grasp of the all basic principles of electrocardiogram including the latest developments on the subject.
Must know areas have been highlighted in all the chapters.
Throughout this book the author has described all aspects of electrocardiogram in an easy-to-understand style.
This textbook will not only be the ‘must have’ companion of the MBBS and postgraduate students, it will also definitely guide the cardiologists, physicians and intensivists in emergency bedside decision making and thus will aid in urgent treatment planning.
Undoubtedly, this book will deserve a place on the shelf of any medical student, general physician and cardiologist and it will be a definitive source of learning and relearning of the basic principles of electrocardiogram.
Table of Contents
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Chapter 1: Electrocardiogram: The Basics
Chapter 2: Electrocardiogram Lead Placement and Standardization
Chapter 3: Interpretation and Identification of Different Waves in Electrocardiogram and Calculation of Heart Rate
Chapter 4: Axis Determination and Rotation of the Heart
Chapter 5: Normal Variant Electrocardiogram
Chapter 6: Chamber Enlargement
Chapter 7: Myocardial Ischemia
Chapter 8: ECG Diagnosis of ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction
Chapter 9: Electrocardiogram Documentation of Reperfusion in ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction
Chapter 10: Ectopic and Escape Beats
Chapter 11: Narrow Complex Tachycardia
Chapter 12: Broad Complex Tachycardia
Chapter 13: Bundle-Branch Block
Chapter 14: Sick Sinus Syndrome
Chapter 15: Atrioventricular Block
Chapter 16: Electrocardiographic Diagnosis of Cardiac Channelopathies
Chapter 17: Preexcitation Syndromes
Chapter 18: Electrocardiographic Diagnosis of Cardiomyopathies
Chapter 19: Electrocardiogram Diagnosis of Pericarditis and Other Cardiac Inflammatory Conditions
Chapter 20: Electrocardiographic Manifestations of Electrolyte Abnormalities
Chapter 21: Electrocardiograms in Specific Clinical Conditions
Chapter 22: Effects of Various Drugs on the Electrocardiogram
Chapter 23: Electrocardiogram Features of Congenital Heart Diseases
Chapter 24: Pacemaker Electrocardiogram Interpretation
Chapter 25: Pediatric Electrocardiogram Interpretation
Chapter 26: Exercise Tolerance Test
Chapter 27: Ambulatory Electrocardiogram Monitoring (Holter Monitoring)